Our supporters
Transforming the life of a young man on the trajectory into the adult justice system requires the belief and assistance of the community.
Letter of support:
Tēnā Koe Amelia,
It was very nice to meet with you and Bill a few weeks ago. Thank you for sharing your vision and work you have done to date with your Te Kāhu Tiu project. Having some understanding and experience working in youth justice, care and protection, youth programs and Drug and alcohol rehabilitation in the past, it was very encouraging to see what you have put together.
I think basically from an Iwi/Mana whenua perspective the program and target group look to be ideal for the kaupapa you're proposing and the depth of experience, research and resourcing you have and is included in your proposal is excellent. The service you’re proposing is of high value to those most in need in our community, this includes many of our young Māori men.
There will be obvious wider benefits to Iwi and the general community and if one day Kāpiti see's a residential care facility established your TKT program would be an invaluable service to collaborate with and work alongside something like this.
I'd like to express my gratitude for bringing me into this conversation as our Rangatahi and the future developments for the Kāpiti Coast district are of a very high importance to me, whanau values, functionality and health are things that I am very passionate about.
To wind up, I am very impressed and supportive of what work you have done to date, and also what you're planning to be doing with TKT in the future.
Nga Mihi
Karl Webber
Community support worker and member of Kāpiti Mana Whenua
Motungarara Is – Kāpiti
Ngāti Toa Rangatira – Te Maunu
Te Āti Awa ki Kāpiti – Ngāti Mutunga / Kaitangata
Ngāti Raukawa – Maiotaki