Programme foundations
The Te Kāhu Tiu programme has three foundational elements. They are based on the most effective and successful approaches to rehabilitating and securing a positive future for young offenders.
Narrative therapy to build positive identity, one of the strongest predictors of successful and enduring rehabilitation.
Somatic trauma therapy to address each individual’s personal trauma history and heal their nervous system.
Systemic family therapy to sever the bonds of intergenerational trauma.
Family Constellations Therapy stems from traditional indigenous healing practices to address inherited trauma and will be particularly powerful for Māori rangatahi.
Community / whānau engagement
Building and strengthening positive bonds between rangatahi and their parents, families, friends and community is proven to be the most effective approach to rehabilitation and reintegration.
To develop life skills, and provide opportunities for advancing academic achievement to help participants prepare for post programme opportunities, including employment and/or further education.

“I didn't know we could do whatever we wanted with our lives”.
“We'll address their individual trauma and the intergenerational trauma that they carry, by providing a therapeutic whānau environment where they feel loved, supported and cared for and through wairua; giving them enough of a sense of their own spiritual selves that they feel purpose, connection and a desire to live their best lives.”
– Amelia Trotter, Programme Director