Support us
Transforming the life of a young man on the trajectory into the adult justice system requires the belief and assistance of the community. He needs to unlearn and relearn, grow hope, establish connections, train, gain employment, develop life skills, find his fit, and trust that the support extended to him will not evaporate.

Te Kāhu Tiu invites you to join us to provide these foundations – and together we can help young men fly.
Every dollar invested in early intervention programmes is estimated to return up to $16 of benefit.
Every hour invested in helping build a platform for change will reflect the values we share, and strengthen our communities. And... for every young life healed we will break a cycle of trauma that will provide positive impacts for generations. Join us to do this together.
Your time, energy and skills can make a real impact.
We are currently building our purpose built facilities in Kāpiti and a spare pair of helping hands is always welcome. If you can dig a hole to plant a native, or you’re a skilled tradesperson, we’d welcome you to the team! You can RSVP to our upcoming volunteer events in the calendar, or if you or your organisation are interested in any other volunteer opportunities, please make contact with us on the form below.
Other ways you can support:
Changing lives takes a community. Your skills, resources, contacts or expertise could shape a better future for all of us.
Speaker request
Have a Te Kāhu Tiu representative talk to your organisation about Te Kāhu Tiu and Youth Justice.
Social media
Follow and share us on social media.